Wednesday, May 30, 2007

ol' fred enters race...sort of...

Fred Thompson, of Law & Order fame, has pushed his hat further into the ring of Republican candidates. Once he officially makes the announcement, likely to be on July fourth, he will bring the tally of GOP candidates to eleven. Hopefully a few or the lagers will realize they are only hurting the party and bow out gracefully.

But, who is Fred Thompson? Well, he looks like a big serious man. He certainly looks presidential. He has political experience as a senator in Tennessee. But, what are his views on the issues?

Here is a quick rundown of his views:

1) Abortion: pro-life, basically view it as legislating from the bench, bad law, bad science
2) Homosexuality: tolerance but no special rights or categories, marriage is between one man and one woman
3) War in Iraq: we are where we are and we cannot up and leave, long term consequences are greater if we leave
4) Gun control: against gun control generally
5) Campaign finance: support reform, it's wrong for people to be able to give politicians huge sums of money then call in favors later..."you get thrown in jail for stuff like that in the real world," understand arguments against it though
6) Illegal Immigration: not realistic to round up 12 million people and ship them back, impossible situation because of years of neglect, concerned about the next tens of millions, solve security at border first then solve the issue of people here first, do not encourage people to stay here

He seems real quick and smart. His voice is velvety smooth and reassuring. He is now the third conservative I could support. Fred is very rational and clear-thinking individual.

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